Summer officially started Wednesday. With warm weather
comes an increase in pests and animals. Carpenter bees, often mistaken for
bumble bees, can usually be found flying around shrubs and flowers in the
summer time. Though they live in beehives, they can also be found living in
wooden structures. The wooden structures they decide to reside in could
possibly be in your yard, so you should contact ALCO Pest NJ for carpenter bee pest
control in NJ if you notice carpenter bees around your
house. The sooner you notice a pest problem and call professionals, the less time
you give them to damage your property.
Carpenter bees have the ability to tunnel through wood to
make their nest. Wooden structures they go for include porches, trees and
benches. They are attracted to wooden pieces that are more than two inches
thick, which means that many parts of your property could be potential targets.
Sure you can use pesticides and other methods to attempt
to remove these bees from your property yourself; however, these pesticides are
most likely poisonous and harmful to your health, especially if you have no
experience in using them properly. Let ALCO Pest NJ take care of carpenter bee pest control in NJ, in
a safe manner. Our trained experts can do the job quickly and properly,
ensuring the removal of every last carpenter bee.